Our Story

Hi, nice to meet you

Im Jordan and this is my little guy, Crew. My husband and I have been together for 13 years and couldn't wait to have children. We ended up battling infertility, many losses and IVF. 3 years it took to get this sweet boy, but it was all worth it! I wanted to be able to stay home but also to be able to find a way to give back to other families battling infertility. As our company grows my goal is to have a portion of our sales donated to families struggling with infertility. I know how expensive and a burden the cost can be and I hope to be able to lighten that load for some.


Having a boy made it so hard to find cute affordable clothes! There was a huge gap in the market for trendy childrens clothing. So i decided to start a boutique for your littles that provides trendy and affordable styles you love to put your children in! I'm happy you're here and I hope you enjoy your children's clothes as much as I enjoy hand picking these items. Thank you for supporting my small business!

Jordan Howell 


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Send us an email, we endeavor to answer all inquiries within 
24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions.